
Managing Change when removing or changing access and security can cause friction, or offense..

Change is inevitable, change is good, change is painful, and the cliches go on. What happens when change is needed that may offend though?

Watch this video as we discuss the challenges of change.

When processes and access management need changing due to weaknesses in internal controls or pose a threat, these changes can cause resistance, denial, and offense... So how do you work to improve the integrity of your organization's finances, while avoiding offense, friction, and resistance? The behavioral side of change can make or break transitions, not just to avoid security or internal control issues, but across all types of organizational change. In an ideal world, learning to work with those impacted by change can turn resistance into support. Everyone wins.

Seecuring provides security and acces solutions for all of oyur in-scope applications. Our solutions include:

  • * Segregation of Duties.

  • * Sensitive Access.

  • * User Access Reviews.

  • * Patch Impact Analysis & Configuration Changes.

If you need help with your security and licensing, get in touch to discuss your needs: